
MODx Tools

MODx Snippet Call2PHP
This tool turns a MODx snippet call into a snippet call using the MODx API function runSnippet().

CSS Tools

CSS Formatter and Optimizer
This tool will format the crap out of your badly formatted css, and optimise it so that it is optimally optimised. CSS Formatting can improve readability,structure, and file size of your css files. Powered by csstidy.

Form Tools

Form Report Helper
This script helps you create a report for a form (like one you could send in an email) by finding all of the name='' attributes in your form and printing them out. Specifically, this was created to make eForm reports for MODx(hence the MODx placeholder tags option).

Easy Form Wizard
This script helps you create an eForm form. It's only meant to get you started and at this point will only
spit out text inputs, and textareas, but that gets be pretty close done most of the time. Hopefully I can flesh
this out more in the future.

Misc Tools

Mobile DNS Lookup
The DEVTRENCH Mobile DNS Tool allows you to search for the A, MX and NS records for any domain name from your moblie device.

YA!passgen: Yet Another Password Generator
A password generation script that will generate up to 100 passwords at a time, has options for prefix, suffix, and type and number of characters.

Web Developer Locator
Find the web developers closest to you. Would you like to added to the list? Contact me with your address (or just zip code).