Missing Try WordTracker's FREE keyword suggestion tool.

Wordracker Free Videos and Free Trial

I used to use for all of my keyword research but lately the service always times out for me. It is either dead, unsupported, or just blasted by so many requests that it can't handle it.

Today I found that WordTracker has a free keyword suggestion tool that works pretty similar to I've been thinking for a while about signing up for WordTracker, but don't have the extra $$ around to get it going. I do plan to sign up for their free trial though.

You can even add the free search to your search bar if you use IE 7 or FF 2. Get it here.

Here are just a few of the results for my favorite topic - web development...

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Pretty cool huh? If you have the cash on hand I would suggest signing up for WordTracker today. Once I get the $$ I'll be doing it and report back how it works. Otherwise, I'll be using the free tool.