Links from the Trenches #2
- Online CSS Formatter: This CSS formatting tool tops the list of Trench Links this week because I've been looking for something like this for a long time. This tool will format your css for readability or compression and has lots more options than just that. This is a must see for people who style with css.
- Socializer: If you can't tell by my recent posts I've been learning a lot about social bookmarking and increasing site traffic. I was happy to find Socializer :) If you are behind the times like I am, then I'll clue you in that Socializer is a site that aides you by creating links to all of the popular (and not so popular) social bookmarking sites.
- How to get traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites: Also in my social bookmarking reading this week, I found this post. It's a really comprehensive look at getting traffic from social bookmarking and has some great dos and don'ts.
- Lightwave Bouncelighting with Gradients: On the graphics side of things, I've recently gotten back into Lightwave 3D and this forum tutorial really saved the day for me.
Websites that make it to the Trench Links list get dugg and stumbled. So if you have a site you think I'd like just send me an email at general at devtrench dot com and I'll check it out.